Welcome to St Edith CYO!
Welcome to our new site!
Basketball registration is now open through October 5th. Please create an account and register your players through the programs listed in the menu above.
Please note, there is a similar volunteer acknowledgement as in years past in the registration questions. The new site has an additional volunteer section with which we are still experimenting. We have that currently set to 7 hours and will look to utilize the scheduling and tracking all on this site. We will still need up to 5-7 shifts per player depending on total number of games. If you have any basketball questions, please email stedithbc@gmail.com
We want to give you the best experience and information from our website. Please feel free to share your user experience with us so we continue to make adjustments. Thank you for your patience! If you have any website questions, please contact Bassel Atala at abougeorge@gmail.com